The Selkirk Vanguard S2 is an impressive paddle with proprietary tech and a balanced feel.
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The Selkirk Vanguard S2 is an impressive paddle with proprietary tech and a balanced feel.
Selkirk is one of the most popular pickleball brands for pickleball enthusiasts. And, along with their launch of Selkirk TV, just announced more exciting news! A partnership with Tyson McGuffin on a new line of pickleball gear.
To wear a glove. Or to not wear a glove. That is the question… for pickleball play… especially in the sweat-inducing summer. The answer is actually quite simple.
One of our contributors has been wearing Dona Jo apparel this week, and she won’t stop talking about it. So we told her to write an article about it instead. Enjoy!
Everything you need to know about pickleballs, including the difference between an indoor ball and an outdoor ball.
Win a pro-level sponsorship. Without actually being a pro! Here’s how.
Before pickleball, I played racquetball and wearing eye guards or goggles was mandatory. Unfortunately, you don't see many pickleball players using eye protection. But, not only can it save an eye injury but it can also improve your game.
We’ve rounded up five great budget-friendly paddles, in no particular order, for you to choose from.
We love pickleball, but we don’t think it’s half as fun without the community and each player’s unique voice. Which is why we want YOUR voice on the front page of pickleball.
You can get into the game for little to no cost. But it’s helpful to know what to expect before you get started or decide to take your commitment to the next level.
There are days for serious athletic gear when you’re competing in a tournament. And then there are days for throwing on a funny pickleball t-shirt.
If you’re wearing the right pickleball attire, you should first be comfortable on the court. But you should also be stylish enough to wear it off the court.