Pickleball Expands Global Community Through Travel
A group of pickleballers had an amazing time at Club Med Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in January 2023 with Pickleball Pro Lane Ethridge and Carpe Dink'em Pickleball when they took to the courts! This was the first Carpe Dink'em Pickleball Vacation Adventures organized by pickleball player and travel advisor, Melinda Alcosser.
The groups each participated in daily pickleball drill sessions that focused on strategy and skill-building. Participants expressed feeling surer of where to be and how to cover the courts to best support one another as doubles partners. Lane puts his all into serving people with instruction given so that everyone is able to add to their repertoire as a player. dinks, serves, and returns. He helps them decide how and where to cover, block shots, hit out of the air, and move toward the non-volley zone successfully, etc. There is SO MUCH to this game!
In addition to the time on the courts, Melinda's All Travel With Heart brings another component to the travel experience by providing an opportunity for cultural connection and a "giving exchange" with people in the destination. This time, the connection was with Calasanz Bavaro School, a local pre-K-12 grade school in Punta Cana.
Participants contributed sports equipment as a gift to the students, as requested by the school. Some members of the Pickleball group joined in a visit to the school. Together, Calasanz students and Carpe Dink'em group participants were involved in activities led by Melinda and the group during an hour-long Physical Education class at the school.
According to one student who is a junior at the school, this was the very first time someone from the United States ever visited this school. A relationship is now formed with this school and Carpe Dink'em; plans are already underway for January 2024! Club Med has a Give Back Program that will also be utilized to bring students from the school to the resort for more meaningful interaction and collaborative experiences.
For information about upcoming trips with Carpe Dink'em Pickleball and All Travel With Heart Vacation Adventures of any kind, contact Melinda Alcosser at MelindaA@All-Travel.com
Create connections, build bridges, and expand the ability of Pickleball to create and inspire the global community! Carpe diem with Carpe Dink'em!